MR. SABU SENSEI is a professional martial artist who has been active since last 35 years. His father was a professional wrestler who represents India in various International competitions. Initially MR.SABU SENSEI got trained in MAS OYAMA KARATE and acquired BLACK BELT and worked there for the subsequent 10 years. After that he mastered the KENSHINKAN KARATE and titled with 3rd DAN BLACK BELT and he worked as a MARTIAL ARTIST TRAINER for over 26 years. Now he was working as a renowned MARTIAL ARTIST TRAINER in KYOKUSHIN KARATE. He is an efficient and honourable master who trained karate and brought up many eminent karate masters and athletes with his guidance. He must be honoured for his esteemed service as a National referee " From my long year experience I had found that many talented athletes from India failed to reach their destiny because of their unawareness on required diet and routine to be followed. I was one such person who lost many opportunities due to lack of proper guidance. I decided my students should not get debase due to the same. This tempts me to approach Nutritionist and Coach Rino, for his nutritional guidance. After his intervention, I witnessed remarkable enhancement in their performance and his friendly interaction and ability to convey facts seems to be unique and appraisable. Now I am happy and proud to say that Rino’s nutritional guidance is surely helping my Martial Artist students to get converted into elite athletes. Now I am brooding that I might have attained many golden opportunities if I have a nutritionist like Rino besides me in my younger age.”